The product that is on our table is packed with nutritional benefits, let’s meet some!
Cheese is a very present food in our day by day. There are so many options, assorted flavors, different textures, and many combinations, and of course, various nutritional information.
Among the benefits found in cheeses are essential nutrients for our health, such as those needed for bone strengthening, protection of the heart and even mental health.
Too many vitamins!
We found in cheese, vitamins A, B2, B12, D, and K2. Each one works in a specific way in our body. Vitamin D, for example, is essential for the synthesis of calcium, since K2 plays a vital role in bone maintenance and heart health.
Essential Proteins!
Cheese is an excellent source of protein. They are of excellent quality, rich in essential amino acids and excellent digestion. This means that its absorption occurs almost entirely at the height of the intestine and provide the body with amino acids.
These amino acids promote health, reduce blood pressure and increase the absorption of minerals from the digestive tract.
Minerals are also essential!
Calcium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, and sodium! These minerals are also essential for health. Calcium, important in bone health, including teeth, essential zinc in the immune system and selenium have antioxidant properties, vital in fighting free radicals that damage cells.
There are several beneficial properties of cheese for health. Although each product, having its specific characteristic, the important thing are the benefits of a balanced diet.
In the salad, with bread, with toast or even accompanying a coffee, a piece of cheese is always welcome!
Brunkow Cheese has been producing cheese in Darlington, Wisconsin, since 1899. We are a family owned and operated company that sources milk from small neighboring dairies to make artisanal cheeses. All our methods are traditional, our recipes old world, and our methods sustainable. We create cheeses by the hard work of our hands.